Green juice is incredibly healing!

Green juice delivers a powerful diversity of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are absorbed immediately into the blood stream. Greens produce chlorophyll, which oxygenates your body and promote alkalinity. This enables us to release stored toxins in the body. A green juice will cleanse your digestive system, lungs, liver and uterus. Avoid combining vegetables with fruits, as they require different enzymes for digestion. The only exception is an apple, which has a more neutral effect.

Benefits include:

  • Abundant energy
  • Feel centered and clear
  • Focused and motivated
  • Mood enhancer
  • Prevent and aid disease
  • Reverse aging

Drink 1-2 quarts of green vegetable juice a day. Drink the juice as soon as possible, after the juice is made. This ensures the enzymes are still alive and the nutrients are their richest. Try not to keep it for more than 8 hours. Store in a glass container, so that the toxins in plastic don’t seep through and use an airtight container filled to the top.

For maximum cellular absorption, drink your green juice first thing in the morning.

Perfect Green Juice Recipe

Makes 2 quarts

Make sure to use all organic produce

  • 3-4 cucumbers
  • 8 stalks celery
  • 3 cups sprouts (sunflower, pea shoots, broccoli, buckwheat)
  • 3 cups dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, dandelion, romaine, parsley)
  • 1 lemon, peel removed
  • 2 inches ginger
  • 2 cloves peeled garlic


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