MARCH 2013
The time of rebirth and renewal is almost upon us with the coming of Spring. This is the time of year to start planning your end of winter detox and cleanse, put in your orders at our Indigo Health Store for temperature sensitive items so you can avoid expensive shipping charges and plan for some spring cleaning.
End of Winter Detox and Cleanse: There are many ways to cleanse and I have provided you with a general guide. There may be reasons why yours might need to be modified, such as diabetes or a complete inability to take it easy during the cleanse. If you need one modified for you, set up a brief appointment and we can customize it together.

Time to order temperature sensitive items: The overnight shipping charges on temperature sensitive items are so expensive that I send this little reminder to you as warmer weather approaches. Items to order include probiotics, prebiotics, suppositories, flax or fish oils (some are stored cold) and Very Berry.
Spring Cleaning: Spring is a great time to do some home environment cleaning up – out with the old and in with the new. Here are some areas to think about: replace your pillows, flip your mattresses, wash your curtains, change air filters, wipe down blinds and fans, air out and/ or wash throw rugs and bedspreads, clean out drawers and closets, change out shower head filters and switch from your warm mist to your cool mist humidifiers. Next month I will give you some additional tips on preparing for allergy season and switching out your cold season herbs for your warm season herbs.

2. Food Sensitivities: One thing to eliminate from your diet to immediately improve your gut health are foods to which you have allergies and sensitivities. Food sensitivities are not as obvious as food that you have an anaphylactic reaction too — such as hives, inflammation, difficulty breathing or rashes. That deals with a different part of the immune system. Food sensitivities are foods that you might eat on a regular basis that your body has developed a chronic low-grade intolerance for. If the problem is left untreated, your body can become over-reactive to many kinds of foods, even some you don’t eat regularly. Your Naturopathic Doctor can test you for food sensitivities so that you can eliminate them from your diet.
3. Elimination: One of the most critical parts of a healthy gut is good elimination. Naturopathic Doctors can tell quite a bit about your overall state of health by the number of bowel movements you have a day as well as the quality. Soluble and insoluble fiber will help with elimination, as does movement in the form of exercise and stretching. It is important to have the right balance in your transit time between when you eat and when you have a bowel movement. If you are constipated, it means that toxins and body waste are sitting in your intestines. You run the risk of reabsorbing some of the toxins. If your transit time is too quick, your body doesn’t have time to absorb the nutrition from your food.
4. Hydration: An important aspect to elimination and a healthy gut is proper hydration. We need water to flush toxins, absorb nutrients through osmosis, and help the body from becoming constipated. Make sure to include clean sources of water in your daily routine. Staying hydrated throughout the day is more beneficial to your body than hydrating with several glasses of water all at once. While flavored beverages can be appealing, added sugars, caffeine, dyes, and other chemicals can negate any positive effects. Water is necessary in and of itself, so make sure to get enough pure, clean water in your diet as necessary.
5. Stress Reduction: Our gut is often thought of as our emotional center. We get butterflies in our stomach, or nausea with stage fright, or we may have a gut feeling. In truth, chronic stress, anger and anxiety can have a negative impact on our gut health. It is important to be mindful of the amount of chronic stress you have in your life. Conscious breath, or taking deep refreshing breaths several times during the day can help release any stored up tension in your gut. If you find yourself storing stress, try taking a walk outside, phone a friend, or listen to music that soothes you.
Gaby, A. (2011). Nutritional Medicine. Concord, N.H: Fritz Perlberg Publishing.
Murray, M. T. (1997). Chronic Candidiasis: Your natural guide to healing with diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, exercise, and other natural methods. Rocklin, CA: Prima Health.

5 Delicious Non-Dairy Yogurt Options. (
The World’s Healthiest Foods. “Yogurt”.
4 cups old-fashioned organic oats
2 cups grated organic coconut
1 cup sliced raw almonds
1/4 cup raw honey
3/4 cup organic butter or Smart Balance
1 cup organic granola cereal
1 1/2 cups flavored coconut yogurt
1 cup sliced organic strawberries
1 cup organic blueberries
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Toss oats, coconut, honey, almonds, canola oil together and place onto a cooking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes. Let cool. In serving glasses, layer granola, yogurt, and fruit as desired. Serve immediately, or cover, and chill for up to 2 hours.


Jeanne A. Drisko, MD, CNS; Cheryl K. Giles, MD; Bette J. Bischoff, RD. (2003). Probiotics in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention. Alternative Medicine Review. Volume 8, Number 2.
John A. Catanzaro, N.D. and Lisa Green, B.Sc. (1997). Microbial Ecology and Probiotics in Human Medicine (Part II). Alternative Medicine Review. Volume 2, Number 4.
Yehuda Ringel, Eamonn MM Quigley and Henry C Lin. (2012). Using Probiotics in Gastrointestinal Disorders. The American Journal of Gastroenterology Supplements 1, 34-40.
SLIPPERY ELM (Ulmus rubra)

University of Maryland Medical Center. “Slippery Elm”.

Simple Massage To Improve Digestion & Elimination. (
Schreiber, James. Discover the Hidden Health Benefits of Saunas. Natural News.
Ernst, E. et. al. 1990. Regular Sauna Bathing and the Incidence of Common Colds.
Annals of Medicine 22(4): 225-7.
Sun, Y. et. al. 2011. Prenatal Exposure to Elevated Maternal Body Temperature and Risk of Epilepsy in Childhood: A Population-based Pregnancy Cohort Study. Paediatric Perinatal Epidemiology 25(1):53-9.
This Daily Habit Can Burn Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Body.
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