1. Infused Oils. The cooks in your life will devour these infused oils, bottled with love. Place dried herbs of your choice in a sterilized, dry jar and cover with olive oil. Place the jar in a saucepan and fill the pan about a quarter full of water. Let it simmer for about four to six hours. Remove the jar and cool completely before labeling. Get creative with your label and be sure to date the mixture and list the ingredients.

2. Aromatherapy Bath Salts. Mix one cup Epsom salt, a half-cup natural sea salt, 20 to 30 drops of your favorite essential oil and two to three tablespoons of dried herbs or botanicals in a bowl. Mix well and transfer into a glass jar. Use paint markers to decorate the jar or attach a creative label. Directions for use: add a half-cup of bath salts to warm running bath water, submerge body, and relax!
3. Healthy Homemade Granola in a Jar. For the person who always seems to be on-the-go, give a gift that will keep them energized and running at peak performance no matter where they are. There are tons of homemade granola recipes floating around the internet, and you can pick any one of them. To make it healthy, be sure to use only organic, additive-free ingredients. The great part about this gift is that all it takes is a trip to your local natural grocery store, a mixing bowl, an oven, and a jar to put it in. Suggested mix: Dried cherries, pineapple, and cranberries, almonds and cashews, toasted oats, and cacao nibs.
4. Natural Skin Care Mask. You can help the women in your life beat dull winter skin by giving them the gift of an all-natural skin care mask made of cranberries and yogurt. It’s so simple! Puree a half-cup of cranberries in a food processor, then transfer the puree into a bowl and mix with a half-cup of yogurt and blend by hand until you have a creamy mixture. For a thicker mask, mix in a little green clay or honey, then bottle and add your own creative label with instructions to let the mask sit on the face for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. High in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, B3 and B5, the cranberries not only lend moisture for the skin, but they’ll also aid in cell turnover and protect from free radicals, giving an anti-aging effect.
5. Herb Garden Markers. Perfect for the gardeners in your life, and even better for the wannabe gardeners, these little stones are super simple and inexpensive to make. Simply collect a variety of smooth riverbed stones, clean thoroughly and hand-paint the names of various garden herbs and vegetables on each rock. Feeling extra-creative? Paint little garden-themed designs on them too!
Image credit: Christmas Gift Stock Photo, image ID: 10040287
112 Incredible DIY Gift Ideas. Natural Living Ideas.
Herb Infused Oils. Herbal Academy of New England.
Fun and Fruitful: Cranberries. Huffington Post.References
Photo Credit.
Poisoning and Toxicity. Natural Standard Bottom Line Monograph. 2013.
Your Best Air Freshener Isn’t An Air Freshener. Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist. Environmental Working Group.
EWG National Drinking Water Database. Environmental Working Group.
Do You Filter Your Tapwater? Should You? Environmental Working Group.
Forgotten Toxics in American Water. Renee Sharp, EWG Senior Scientist and J. Paul Pestano, EWG Research Analyst. Environmental Working Group.
Chlorinated Tap Water Called Risk for Pregnant Women. San Francisco Chronicle.
Healthy Home Tips: Tip 9 – Use Greener Cleaners and Avoid Pesticides. Environmental Working Group.
EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning. Environmental Working Group.
EWG Questions FDA Verdict on Plastic Chemical. Environmental Working Group.
Storing Food Safely In Plastic Containers.
Adverse Health Effects of Plastics. Ecology Center.
Don’t Get Slimed: Skip the Fabric Softener. Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist. Environmental Working Group.
EGW’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. Environmental Working Group.

Cranberries. World’s Healthiest Foods.
Marz, Russell B. 1999. Medical Nutrition from Marz: A Textbook In Clinical Nutrition. Portland, Or: Omni-Press.
Mills, Simon, and Kerry Bone. 2000. Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
From its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to its high levels of vitamins C, E and K, this crust-free cobbler offers an array of health benefits. It is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, manganese and those hard-to-find omega-3 fatty acids. While the recipe calls for dried cranberries, try using fresh, raw cranberries instead to maintain the berries synergistic benefits, thereby significantly increasing the cobblers nutritional content.
- 1 medium organic orange
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries (try using fresh, raw cranberries instead)
- 2 tsp raw honey
- 1/2 ripe organic pear, firm variety
- 1/4 cup and 2 tbsp walnuts

Grate enough orange rind to make 1 tsp zest and place in a mixing bowl. Cut the orange in half and juice both halves into the same bowl. Add cranberries and honey then mix until the honey is dissolved. Let sit for 30 minutes to allow the cranberries to soften. Once the cranberries have softened, cut the pear into 1/4-inch cubes and add to the bowl, then add 1/4 cup of walnuts and stir. Divide the mixture into two dessert dishes and sprinkle each with 1 tbsp of chopped walnuts.
Photo credit
LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Mills, Simon, and Kerry Bone. 2000. Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Licorice. University of Maryland Medical Center.
Licorice Root. Amazing Wellness Magazine.
Adaptogenic Herbs. Natural Health and Healing.

which is typically done at temperatures at least twice that of the normal body temperature deactivates the enzymes contained in your once-living foods. Because of their high potential for bacterial contamination, you should continue to cook most animal foods, and rely on fresh, raw plant foods to provide your greatest supplementary source of digestive enzymes. Supplementing your own digestive enzymes with those from fresh, raw plant foods is a great way to boost your health throughout the year, especially during the holidays when fatty and sugary foods tend to take over. Before adding new supplements to your diet, check with your Naturopathic Doctor to get the right formulation for your health.
Marz, Russell B. 1999. Medical Nutrition from Marz: A Textbook in Clinical Nutrition. Portland, Or: Omni-Press.
Gaby, Alan. 2011. Nutritional Medicine. Concord, N.H: Fritz Perlberg Publishing.
Enzymes. Worlds Healthiest Foods.
Digestive Enzymes. Mercola.

This holiday season, don’t let the stressful hustle and bustle get you down. Instead, you might consider asking your Naturopathic Doctor if craniosacral therapy may be a beneficial treatment to keep you running at optimal health and energy levels.
Photo credit: Happy Woman Receiving Head Massage, image ID: 10037680,
Lippincott, Rebecca Conrow, Howard A. Lippincott, and William G. Sutherland. 1943. A Manual of Cranial Technique. Detroit: Academy of Applied Osteopathy.
Craniosacral Therapy and Spinal Cord InjuryFrequently Asked Questions: Craniosacral Therapy. Upledger Institute International.
The information offered by this newsletter is presented for educational purposes. Nothing contained within should be construed as nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. This information should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of any information contained within this newsletter.
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